
Welcome to the Jewish Deac family!

As a parent, we know you may have concerns while your child is away at college. Rest assured; we're here to help.

Feel free to reach out, introduce yourselves, and share any needs you may have.

We're ready to assist in any way possible, and we'll even deliver a comforting bowl of homemade Matzah Ball soup!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Rabbi Levi - 336.756.9069

Shaina - 336.692.8405


Chicken Soup Express

Oy Vey!! My Child is Sick

We know how challenging it can be for a parent to be far away from their child when they are under the weather. That's why we are committed to fill-in for you and bring them a piping hot bowl of home-made chicken soup to help them get better!

Chabad at WFU is made possible through the generous support of parents, alumni, and friends.

“Since we are far away, knowing that there was a warm and inviting Jewish home for our daughter right there at Wake really made a difference to us.”

— Parent, class of 2025